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Use Cases


Unified access to the content repository to all relevant stakeholders

  • Your sales team can have all the information on their phones. They now get access to deal structuring, deal negotiation and deal closure on their phone.
  • Metadata search helps them get the relevant information and content within seconds, instead of waiting for avails report
  • Automated accounting and attribution reports to Producers and other rightsholders.

One-time upload and auto management of deals and materials

  • Upload metadata (& optionally content) one-time in the Asset repository
  • Manage policies and applicable rules
  • Create a negotiable or non-negotiable licensing deals
  • Automated delivery of materials (for digital)

Real-time visibility on system dashboard or public blockchain

  • Get revenue generation or revenue attribution details from your custom dashboard
  • In case of streaming, get all transaction details

Streaming on your own branded platform, if you desire

  • Spin your own OTT / Video services platform
  • Stream and monetize your library content as client

Define Geo policies, permissions and payment options

  • Set permissions for the platform owners
  • Choice of payment gateways or cryptocurrencies
  • Subscription or transactional permissions
  • Minimum benchmark pricing

Social Media Creators / Independent Filmmakers / Scriptwriters

Gain more confidence, peace and protection to your content

  • Keeps your content always accessible, saleable and ready to generate revenues for you
  • Get an assurance of proof of copyrights, timestamp & claim ownership in case of disputes. Get power in your hands as proof to earn credits for your creativity in case of IP theft.